Integrity and honesty are our hallmarks. Find out what makes us the leading team in Inheritance Law.


Patrium means your case being handled by a specialist lawyer.

Never complacent

Patrium means that we will not settle for the easiest solution: we will seek and find the solution that best serves your interests.


Patrium means passion, effort and imagination pursued with efficiency and effectiveness.

We are the leading team you need, backed by over 15 years' experience representing renowned corporations and estates at a domestic and international level.

PATRIUM was founded based on common judgement and experienced-based opinion in order to provide answers to any legal issue in inheritance law or wealth management. Our main goal is to seek the best solution by applying legal expertise techniques to provide the right response for our clients’ interests..
Experience has taught us that traditional law firms, even specialised firms and notaries, look for easy solutions to complex inheritance cases, even if this incurs high costs for their clients.
Traditional law firms do not offer the same degree of specialised service as we do at Patrium, nor the same personal and professional support that we provide to our clients.

We draw up and implement innovative and specially-designed strategies for our clients to further their goals.

Get to know us

Philosophy and Values


Over 15 years' experience in inheritance law and financial and estate management.


Our expertise in inheritance law is what sets us apart from traditional law firms and ensures that our main concern is people and their peace of mind.

International Scope

With a presence in seven countries, we operate both domestically and internationally. We are fully acquainted with both domestic and European legislation, to offer you the greatest benefits and advantages permissible by law. We boast a highly qualified team of multilingual lawyers, specialists in domestic and international cases.

Multidisciplinary Law Firm

We provide legal, fiscal and financial advisers specialising in inheritance and estate matters to offer you a complete and integrated service: economic aspects, taxation, finance, companies, legal aspects, etc.

Commitment, discretion and transparency

Our empathy, involvement and commitment to clients speak for themselves: we work with full discretion, always looking out for our clients' interests. We believe that the basis for quality legal representation is maintaining an open, transparent and collaborative relationship with our clients at all times.

Your goals are our goals

We take each of our client’s individual needs and goals into account. Clear focus on achieving each client's goals efficiently, with solutions tailored specifically to each client. We start by asking you what you want and what your goals are. This will guide us in devising an appropriate plan.

Innovation, Strategy and Quality

Experts in finding the best solutions and strategies, carefully drawn up and tailored to each client's circumstances, needs and goals. Innovation is in our DNA. We strive to provide a service that goes beyond what’s traditionally offered, enhancing optimisation and productivity, keeping our knowledge up-to-date, being more proactive and improving our problem-solving capacity.

Individualised care and attention

Professional representation, individual attention. We strive to give our clients the attention, service and representation they deserve. We scrutinise each case in detail and devote all our time and effort to obtaining the best solutions and benefits for our clients by safeguarding their interests. We have a passion for offering top quality service.


We tailor our strategies and solutions to each client’s needs: small and medium-sized businesses, large estates, artists, sportsmen and women, etc.

Security and Legal Support

We care about our clients' peace of mind, which is why we ensure their legal and financial security, as well as the legal protection that the law provides for when processing their data.


Contact our team of experts

Contact our team of experts and one of our lawyers, specialised in Inheritance and Estates, will contact you to resolve all your queries. We would be glad to assist you and answer your questions.


C/Juan Bravo, nº 20, 1ºIzq. 28006 Madrid

Paseo de la Castellana, nº. 153, bajos 28046 Madrid

+34 871 590 387 (Fax)

Palma de Mallorca

Avinguda del Gran i General Consell (antes, Avenida Joan March) 6, 2º - 07004 Palma de Mallorca


Paseo de Gracia, nº. 12, 1º 08007 Barcelona

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